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Maintaining Hypertension with Multiple Myeloma

Hypertension may seem like an ancient reference, as the term “High Blood Pressure” is normally used; no matter the reference it’s still a prevalent topic in your health.  This disease has a way of springing up out of the blue, but does it really? Oftentimes we may shrug off signs that something else is going on, especially when trying to maintain multiple myeloma.  The thought may be “Now what… something else to deal with”, but this something else is a huge deal.

What is High Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is not easily defined when defining the cause, but it‘s suggested that anyone can develop the disease, and though it’s not curable it can be managed once you’re diagnosed. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against blood vessel walls. High blood pressure (HBP) means that the pressure in your arteries is higher than it should be. Your pressure is defined by two numbers that include systolic and diastolic readings. A pressure reading generally of 120/70 is normal, whereas 140/90 is borderline stage 1 high pressure. Systolic pressure refers to the first and top number when reading results, It’s the amount of pressure in your arteries during contraction of your heart muscle when compressed. Diastolic refers to the bottom number when the heart rests between the beats. Think of a water balloon filled with a great amount of water that is compressed but then when you let some of the air out of that balloon, the pressure despite high compression is still high and filled with all of this water that does not lower– It may actually burst.

HBP leads to strokes, heart attacks and seizures.

Stages of HBP
Low Normal=
Stage 1 Hypertension=
Stage 2 Hypertension=
160+/ 100+
Source-Medicinal News

Considering all meds taken on an already hectic myeloma maintenance schedule, adding HBP meds on top of that may be more normal than not. As written previously many of the treatment medications tend to heighten the blood pressure, such as Krypolis (Carfilzomib). How to get around from taking yet another form of medication for another problem is to follow the instructions. Though I do have a family history of hypertension; this was not my case until I started Kryoplis. I’m on the smallest regimen there is, but now that I’m faced with this first hand; I see how important it is to follow the regimen for maintaining your pressure. I remember years ago I would introduce my mother who had HBP to other alternative options rather meds, and one day I asked her what would happen if she stopped taking her pills, and her answer was golden… she said “She would die”. Now that I’ve had a few close calls when it comes to watching my blood pressure, I totally get it now. High blood pressure is nothing to play around with- period!

What to Consider When Maintaining Your Pressure:
Family History

Salt, Salt and more Salt is a huge disservice to your myeloma condition and your heart. If you’ve never paid attention to the amount of sodium certain foods hold before, now is the time to take it in consideration. Limiting the amount of salt in your diet can be the right move in maintaining your myeloma and blood pressure. The intake of water holds a huge importance; However with that said too much water (believe it or not) can increase your pressure, which is why some patients are prescribed diuretics (water pills) along with HBP med to balance maintenance. Including a healthy portion of vegetable and fruits are encouraged, as well as limiting your alcohol intake.
This is always a factor with handling myeloma in general, but lowering the amount of stress in your life is suggested in lowering your pressure. If you feel like you’re heading to zone 10 with a piercing headache as well as pounding heart palpitations then that means it’s time to settle down. Some great stress relievers are yoga, exercise, sitting in a quiet dark room until you feel calmer.
You may think how does doing exercise help bring my blood pressure down? Well believe it or not it’s about moderation and light exercise does the body and heart good when you achieve those goals at a pace that is sensible. Anything from light walking paced slowly around the block 2-3 times is a good and balanced start.
Family History/ Age
Well speaking from experience family history and age believe it not does play a factor in your spike in blood pressure. I’m not sure of the specifics considering there’s no real call out how one gets this disease, but these two play a factor. As long as you’re diligent being mindful of this and making gradual improved health changes then that is a key in heading in the right direction. Though this may be another thorn with dealing with myeloma now dealing with high blood pressure, but small changes as listed can make a huge difference in making a healthy you dealing with this affliction.
Heart disease is important to consider when faced with multiple myeloma, as there are so many direct consequences in one shape or another that can affect your heart; Now I understand why things such as getting blood pressure reads multiple times during treatment is necessary. The heart literally is our lifeline not to take for granted more so when taking meds to resolve other issues. As long as everyone on your team is up on monitoring your condition from all aspects it should be fine.


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