Okay, this has been a harsh winter and cold brutal temperatures can cause havoc on the skin. When faced with any kind of disease and in this case myeloma, cold, dry cracked skin is not a good day. Here's the first of my health segment I spoke about starting. I've noticed for myself being on the cocktail of drugs I spoke of, my skin tends to be super dry... more than usual. There was a point it was so cracked I thought it would bleed, and that's not cute! I had a regimen years ago when I had this dry patch of psoriasis or something on my *back that I wiped away and it never returned, I'm not sure what happened, but I went and did some research and looked to old school remedies. Old school method and the new. Let's start with: Hands Let's face it after people reference you by face, the hands are next. Hands are the makeup of what's going on with you,and yes I believe so. There have been times in meetings I'll cover mine up i...