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Better Luck...


2020 has been such an eye-opener in so many ways. The idea that life can be snatched right from under us has and is a reality that many try to avoid. COVID-19 showed us who was boss along with so many lessons.


Looks Can Be Deceiving-

I think some in the myeloma community can agree that this virus has allowed many people to truly understand the importance and what happens when our immune system is compromised. The look of healthy, fit, never sick was not the case for many this year. I know for the many years living with multiple myeloma, many people didn't get it. Many didn't understand what a compromised immune system means, and how dire an infection could turn our situation from bad to turmoil in a quickness. The face of "got it together" has opened up the dialogue that the look of being ill has different faces, situations, and timelines.


Family and Grounded

If you've been the jet setter, or spend days seeing your family at night while being away at work for the whole day, well, COVID put a complete halt on that. Now, to stay home with the family has become a big deal, and why shouldn't it? It actually gives us the chance to reconnect and remember what it means to love and comfort again. We tend to move about doing, and being busy we forget things and people along the way. This unfortunate time has made a way to remind us that this too is important. I understand that not all situations at home are not the best scenario for everyone, but hopefully imagining how to improve the situation if any.

As the new year hits in a few days; I'm not sure what and if a resolution should be made, as many thought this year would be the year of hope-

-Getting that raise and promotion (now laid off)

-Starting that new business (now hoping for PPP loans/ grants)

-Healthier year (Infected with the virus)

-Getting married (Not able to have a big crowd)

This pandemic has just taken such a toll on everyone around the world. Though we sit and hope 2021 is better, we really don't know, and can only hope and pray. I think as we hit the countdown Thursday New Year's Eve we pray/ meditate and just do. Live life literally one day at a time, and do you! Make goals but don't beat yourself up if you don't necessarily meet the goals the way you envisioned. 

Live out Loud and Happy New Year!


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