Okay, so a few things happened to me over the past 3 months... Viral Infection ( Temporary lost of hearing due to this infection) Almost bled to death a few blood transfusions.... long story and the kicker..... My numbers have spiked time for treatment! I just returned from my wonderful vacation, as we were sure this would not take place, yet it did. I survived my transfusion ordeal, though scary and losing me a few times in the hospital, yet I made it. When I got the back to back news about MM and time to react with treatment, I was devastated- my thought was I will now be one of those people who starts the true dance with myeloma. I wanted to punch something and someone, but after a few days in the Bahamas, I've come back with a new perspective. God is not done with me yet.... he could have easily ended this a few weeks ago with my other medical scares, as I was that close to leaving here. Though I'm anxious, nervous about what's to come, I'm so a fighter ...
The challenges of being diagnosed with a rare disease, all while coping with day to day life experiences.