I had a wonderful conversation with a new friend on the trials of myeloma, and it was interesting that we’ve both experienced to some degree the nonchalant reactions when faced with our disease. The saying to walk a mile in one's own moccasins could never be far from the truth, sometimes you get the feeling that no one cares or your cause and or experience is not of interest...., or better yet taken seriously.... I'm reviewing various sources to promote Another Face of Multiple Myeloma , and after extensive research I found there a not many books on patient related experiences, which I find odd, with the exception of popular myeloma blogger Pat Killingsley, I found just two other personal stories from author's penned memoirs on myeloma, and one unfortunately passed away and the other I'm desperately trying to gather contact information. I was in the process of working with a top myeloma foundation to present my book to readers that could possbly relate to my experi...
The challenges of being diagnosed with a rare disease, all while coping with day to day life experiences.
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